What will be posted here?

Mostly, this is a curated summary of the most recent Crypto & Coffee meetup. Attendees are comprised of cryptocurrency enthusiasts with a primary expertise in Ethereum. We’re largely professionals working, in some capacity, in the cryptocurrency domain.

Topics discussed may include a selection of cryptocurrency current events, discussion of new projects/emergent technology and wild speculation disguised as expert knowledge. Meetups rarely have any strictly defined agenda and conversations meander wildly from on-topic to off-topic, but we have a good time and learn a lot from each other.

Why should I subscribe?

During the meetup, I try to take notes on the discussion. I’ll cherry pick a few topics from each gathering and write up what I have here, perhaps with some embellishments or additional thoughts.

Maybe you are on the email list but can’t attend or we start too early. Maybe you’d just rather not come. Probably you wish you received more C&C related email. No matter. You keep doing you and a bit of what you’re missing will find its way into your email by way of Substack.

Subscribe to Crypto & Coffee

Mostly Ethereum, DeFi and words beginning in 'C'


Prone to righteous indignation
Web3 enthusiast, ENS advocate, and plant lover. jameswmontgomery.eth